Context Menu

Point-and-click your way to understanding

As Delaford is very much a point-and-click game, understanding the Context Menu is very important for development.

That being said, we know the current code at server/core/context-menu.js can be enhanced. There are many opportunities for abstraction and low-hanging fruit, if you'd like to make a PR.

Upon the instantiation of the Context Menu class, we take some parts of the global world object, take the current player and its mouse coordiantes and some misc data and get to work.

Action List

The list of actions that can be performed by the player are located at server/core/data/action-list.js. Most of the actions take some shape or form like this:

    name: 'Mine',
    actionId: 'player:resource:mining:rock',
    context: ['gameMap'],
    allow: ['foreground'],
    nearby: 'edge',
    weight: 1,
    queueable: true,


The label of action that is displayed on the context-menu. For example, Mine Rocks or Examine Jatite Sword.


The unique ID that is used to identify and select the action between the socket and client handlers. It usually follows the notation of this:

  • Subject doing the action
  • On what context?
  • With what action?
  • Where is action performed on?

Those, when put together, are separated using a : character. For examples, here are some: player:resource:mining:rock, player:left, and player:context-menu:action.


Where, on the UI, can this action take place? When you right-click on the UI, every element has a class selector. The most common one we'll use is gameMap for the game canvas.

Some actions, like examine, can have multiple contexts such as: ['gameMap', 'inventorySlot']. Equip and Unequip, for example, have the context of ['wearSlot'].

Context Description For Actions Like...
gameMap Did the user click on the game map? Examine, Walk Here, Take
inventorySlot Did the user click on an inventory slot? Examine, Drop, Equip
wearSlot Did the user click on a `Wear` tab slot? Examine, Unequip


The allow value gives the context-menu the ability on where to check. Some actions will allow on multiple entities like examine which has the allow of ['npc', 'item']. Some have an allow of foreground which only allows an action on (certain) foreground objects like player:resource:mining:rock.

Allow Description
foreground Check the coordinates of the foreground for specific entities.
npc Check the coordinates for any NPC.
item Check the coordinates for a specific item.

Actions can have multiple allow values and usually always have more than one.


Every action needs precise location on where that action can and will take place. For example, sometimes an action can take place from anywhere. examine is one such example. Other times, an action will need to be exactly on the spot like take and other times, it has to be near it like Mine and Push.

Nearby Description For Actions Like...
edge Perform an action nearby the coordinates. Mine, Push
exact Perform an action on top of a subject/resource. Take
(false) Perform the action at the moment of execution. Examine, Equip

If any action's nearby is anything but false, they will be eligiable to be queued which means the player must reach there first before doing said action item.


Every action must be analyzed based on what kind of action it is. The more destructive actions like Drop and Release go near the bottom and thus have a higher weight count.

The more use you think an action will have, the lower count it receives. examine, for example, will always be somewhere in the middle but never at the top nor the bottom.

Walk-here and Cancel

The cancel action item is attached to every context-menu list generated no matter what to give the user a quick way out. It always at the end of every list.

walk-here is always attached to every list generated on the gameMap context. It's position determines on whether user has actions to perform on resources, items and other things. If that criteria is met, then the walk-here is then placed 1 item below the main function. If not, then that action item is always at the top.


When an action is queueable, it means that that action can be chain with others. For example, Take can be chained with walk-here.

Queueables are most used for actions whose nearby is edge or take. From there, the walk-here action is executed while the Queue system waits for the walk-here action to finish before starting the next item in the queue.

Build and Check

After we secure the mouse coordinates, where the user clicked on the map (23, 234) and where they clicked in the viewport (3, 5), we get to work building the context-menu.

We start by going through the list of actions and filtering it by the allow of which they allow.

The check() method then goes through the action's context to see which to cycle through. Then, the conditionals are checked and added to the list if they are met.